Does your website really need a blog? You may not think you have the time or budget to start a blog, however there are plenty of reasons why blogging can drive new customers to your business. Also, starting a blog is easier than you think!
1. Blog posts help share your brand’s message in a personal way
Nothing sells a product as much as a credible voice. Personal stories, market tips, and professional opinions are one way to spread your message. And what better way to tell a story than through a blog post. Be sure to include interesting photos, captions or credits.
2. Blogging allows you to easily share content on social media platforms
Having multiple social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and Twitter is important in marketing your products. A blog will provide new content for social media platforms and it will also increase traffic to your website. Make sure your blog posts include share buttons so your readers can easily click to share your content.
3. Blogging can increase your SEO
Sharing your content creates direct links to your website and these links increase your websites relevance in search engines algorithms. Search engine optimization (SEO) and site searchability is one key to getting noticed when users are looking online for products or services.
4. Starting a blog is easier than you think
Most websites use Content Management Systems (CMS) which are setup with blogging in mind. You just need to turn it on. We know it’s a challenge to write new content on a regular basis. Start out small with a goal of one blog post per month and build from there. Brainstorm ideas for future posts. As a bonus, include a guest post from a local expert and link to their website to share the exposure.
What’s Next
We can help you setup your blog, connect to social media accounts, or audit your websites SEO. Contact us to figure out your next steps.