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Overview: What are Templates?
Templates are snippets of HTML that control how individual pieces of content are displayed in various locations on your site.
Typically, a theme will only attempt to display your posts’ titles, contents, and some extra info like date and author. But since your content might have lots of custom fields, taxonomies, and connections added, you will inevitably need a way to display all that. That’s where Templates comes in.
Creating a template involves a few steps:
- Choose which content type you’re creating a template for.
- Select the data you wish to display that’s associated with this content type. You can choose to display core information (title, date, etc.), plus fields, taxonomies, connections, and static HTML.
- Determine where the template should be used: on individual pages, on certain archive pages, in a query, or even inside another template.
Templates are controlled via the “Templates” item in the Creator menu of the dashboard. Through there, you can reach screens that enable you to view all templates, edit existing templates, or add a new template.