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- Added session sorting into Type groupings as well and start date/time and name sub sorting
- Added variable merchandise_prd_keys to allow multiple merchandise additions to the cart in a POST or GET request
- Save InvoiceDetail field ivd_type to determine if line item is a discount – task/6577672
- Adding support to prompt when no organization is set.
- Added printing of the session short description to the sessions display on Events screen
- Adding additional parameter for the InReach SSO URL shortcode.
- Added three new extender fields to InventorySync for tasks/6395885
- Added prepopulation of badge fields for individual registration form
- Improvement to baseline Event reg UI for RegType selections
- Added hook to download user organization relationships at login
- Allow for default title config text for each award product type – task/6170703
- Improved handling when there is no member id.
- IFAI-Events changed new date_range calculated field to only display month and day instead of year
- Removed email address in event group registration staff display due to needing to add it all over for consistency and query load, tasks/6533864
- Updated formatting of event post to web and remove from web dates and added calculated fields for date range display and whether to show the event online for Simian usage, tasks/6565937
- Updating InReach SSO shortcode URL to include the page parameter.
- Changed secondary email address maxlength value from 30 to 75 characters for tasks/6168522
- Updating cart styles to match latest 03 PDF TWPM: tasks/6503966
- Updates to sample event selection panel built into dashboard
- Removed org fields from sign up form due to binding incompatibility, tasks/6174160
- Fix to email list screen set primary link not URL encoding email addresses with plus symbols in them as used for verification checking, tasks/6280688
- Fixing URL param issue.
- Fix to saving non primary email address firing the org rebinding process tasks/6266073
- Fixing bug on save number call.
- Fix to TemplatePack item not referencing JS correctly for tasks/6262326
- Fix xml bugs in event Q&A object – tasks/6565583/6565629
- Fixing bug with select fields which occured when merging ncacpa SD3 into trunk – task/6506604
- Bug fix to verify email address when record edited, tasks/6170822
- Bug fixes for new Org Binding tool for multiple org match scenarios