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When logging out, I get a error message – Your session has expired. Please start over.
If you are still on the AE Account page, you mostly likely do not have your login page configured which is the default redirect when you logout. To configure this page go to the WP dashboard and click on the AE / Registration UI menu. Set the “Forgot Pass, Signup page” to the login page.
You may get the following error on logout:
The token provided is not valid. Please try logging in again.
This will occur if you have a service redirect in the login page and you are passing the users token during logout. This is not a problem when you first login because the token is not available. However passing the token on logout will try to reauthorize the user. The easiest solution is to remove the service redirect the login page (remove this from the shortcode). If you need the service redirect set to a page other than the default “Account” page, then you will need to change the logout URL to NOT pass the users token. For example: