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- Organizations filter: Multiselect organization categories to use with matching organizations in front end typeahead AJAX look-up user interfaces. Use CTRL+Click or CMD+Click to select multiple values.
- Whitelisting fields: The following allow you to identify which values from iWeb to expose on the front end. You cannot make up values. But you can use one, some, or all defined in iWeb:
- Address types: Whitelist/order address type choices (e.g., Home; Work). Separate values with a semicolon and a space. Values must match options in netFORUM (see iWeb panels). Copy the values from CRM / Overview / Address, Phone and Fax Setup and click on the Address tab.
- Individual prefixes: Whitelist/order prefix choices (e.g., Mr.; Mrs.; Ms.). Separate values with a semicolon and a space. Values must match options in netFORUM (see iWeb panels). Copy the values from CRM / Overview / Customer Setup and click on the Prefixes tab.
- Individual suffixes: Whitelist/order suffix choices (e.g., Jr.; Sr.; PhD). Separate values with a semicolon and a space. Values must match options in netFORUM (see iWeb panels). Copy the values from CRM / Overview / Customer Setup and click on the Suffixes tab.
- Organization relationships: Whitelist/order address type choices (e.g., Board; Employee; Investor). Separate values with a semicolon and a space. Values must match options in netFORUM (see iWeb panels). Copy the values from CRM / Overview / Customer Setup and click on the relationship tab.
- Phone types: Whitelist/order address type choices (e.g., Business; Personal). Separate values with a semicolon and a space. Values must match options in netFORUM (see iWeb panels). Copy the values from CRM / Overview / Address, Phone and Fax Setup and click on the Phone tab.
- Phone types: Whitelist/order address type choices (e.g., Business; Personal). Separate values with a semicolon and a space. Values must match options in netFORUM (see iWeb panels). Copy the values from CRM / Overview / Address, Phone and Fax Setup and click on the Phone tab.
- Address types: Whitelist/order address type choices (e.g., Home; Work). Separate values with a semicolon and a space. Values must match options in netFORUM (see iWeb panels). Copy the values from CRM / Overview / Address, Phone and Fax Setup and click on the Address tab.