Return to Accounts UI
- Whitelisting fields: The following allow you to identify which values from iWeb to expose on the front end. You cannot make up values. But you can use one, some, or all defined in iWeb. For all whitelist fields, Separate values with a semicolon and a space. Values must match options in netFORUM (see iWeb panels). The first item may be default, depending on your templates.
- Organization types: Values can be found in iWeb under CRM / Overview / Customer Setup Profile, then click on Organization thin organization types.
- Individual types: Values can be found in iWeb under CRM / Overview / Customer Setup Profile, then click on Individual then individual types.
- Email types: Email types are configured in Admin / tables / query column for eml_type. The email types are listed as a drop down field, copy the values in the where clause.
- Ethnicities: Ethnicities are configured in Admin / tables / query column for ind_ethnicity. The email types are listed as a drop down field, copy the values in the where clause.
- Genders: Genders are configured in Admin / tables / query column for ind_gender. The gender types are listed as a drop down field, copy the values in the where clause.
- Organization types: Values can be found in iWeb under CRM / Overview / Customer Setup Profile, then click on Organization thin organization types.