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- Updating chapter sync, geocode step cleaning up terms prior to setting new. (21708458)
- Fixed bug with Chapter Sync not saving Industry Codes terms. (21708458)
- Adding check for apm_key passed by sage payment page. (20757340)
- Manual usersync added regex to validate cst_key (17152083)
- Force authentication token reauth only when linking to page or dashboard page. EDIT. (20597252)
- Fix SSO token error attempting to re-login to the homepage. Happens only with clients that have a login modal NF_ERROR_TOKEN_FAILED (20597252)
- Fixing php warning caused when retrieving unset installment array index during invoice/returns query.
- Added hooks for customizing user Organizations getQuery columns and hooks for action prior logging in / logging out. (20202033)
- Updated OrganizationAffiliation add logic and getQuery args for Organization due to issue with facade object definition on Netforum 2017. (20055083)
- Added mask and formatting for url_code inputs and changed to url input type. (20055083)
- Fix bug with validations JS when DOM is updated via AJAX – (19735927)
- Adding GDPR fields, marketing and data consent. (18777484)
- Fix issues with plugin status and activation throwing a “unexpected output” warning. (19403623)
- Delete user interest cache after re-login. (19503649)
- Add filter further custom actions for newly registered users who agreed to privacy policy. (19503649)
- Adding filter for allowing modification of default ixo_title for users registering a new Organization. Currently, users creating new Orgs will have the ixo_title called “Primary Contact” by default.
- Update get_interests to retrieve parent itc_key. (19192888)
- Add Interests functionality for AE core. (18902866)
- Updating base messages CSV file. (tasks/16513805)
- Fix bug with vantiv payframe with disabled button preventing form submission.
- Added new base messages create and reset feature, new csv file for easier importing, missing base messages. Include parsecsv lib. (16513805)
- Display account sidebars in baseline template when configured (nf-fe-my-account-active-inactive & nf-fe-my-account-message) (16555795)
- Remove repeated ‘no invoices to display’ message on unpaid invoices view.
- Adding filemtime to version wp_enqueue to prevent cache issues.
- Fix bug with dirtyforms when clients are using modal with nf-form class. Initially client requested to validate form when switching tabs/accordions. While attempting to do this, a realization was made that this would be extra confusing for users, and because the unchanged data is still there, the “warning” prior to navigating away (before unload) will still display. (7627608)
- Fix bug with unpaid invoices not displaying message when empty.
- Added missing view for optional section “Unpaid Invoices”. Modified accordion tab to open using core accordion function. (7643332)
- Changing verbiage for invoice back button. (7643332)
- Fixing php warnings on section invoices view. (7643332)
- Adding back button to Accounts2 invoice view, redirecting to invoices tab in dashboard. (7643332)
- Added new redirect “tab” parameter for redirecting users to specific tabs inside AE accordion sections. (7643332)
- Modified redirect function making sagejs parameter specific to clients using sagejs gateway. (7643332)
- Added extra parameter to nf_tab_accordion_ajax function for auto opening response tab. (7643332)
- Removed unnecessary ‘nf_base_filter_sagejs’ filter. (7643332)
- Adding Dirty Forms Alert Optional Functionality. Warns users of unsaved forms prior to navigating away. (7627608)